Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest

Matthew 11: 28

Welcome to Men's Ministry UK, a website with social media platforms for Christian men, run by Christian men, to support us all in our journey with Christ, and all the bumps in the road that an ever-changing world can throw at us. Men's Ministry UK wants to help set up a men's ministry in every church. Churches we go into seem to have a youth worker for youth ministry, a women's worker for women's ministry, a pastoral worker for pastoral ministry... but never a men's worker for men's ministry! 

If you are a man suffering with any mental health issues and you are struggling, feel hopeless or lost, please know that you are not alone. If you can't reach out to a professional, or a friend, please do contact us on and we will get in touch as quickly as possible to listen to you, to pray with you and to help you. 

Here at Men's Ministry UK, we want to come to churches, Bible studies, coffee, men's breakfasts, men's curry nights... or help prioritise this in your church and spread Men's Ministry UK's message - men need more help and they need to find their voice. Too many men suffer with sin in silence. Men's Ministry UK can share their stories and ideas and prayers to try and encourage every church to support its men better. 

Why Men's Ministry?

Men need Jesus. Too often, men stick to the old-fashioned narrative that we can fix things ourselves, solve all our problems ourselves, and that we are heroes! The only problem is, that we can't. We are not heroes, we are men. We are broken men in a fallen world and we need Jesus' salvation. And the Devil loves to use our weaknesses as his own strengths. He will use our greed, our vanity, our power-hungry nature, anything to draw us away from Jesus. 

Too often, men's problems in the church, and in our lives, go unspoken. Mostly, men suffer from envy, whether it is money, sex, or power. We see it, and then we want it. And when we get it, we want more. More power, more sex, more money. From the serial adulterer to the serial home buyer, our cravings go uncontrolled, and it feeds our weaknesses, rather than helping us turn to God. 

The purpose of Men's Ministry UK is to shine a light on Jesus by talking about these issues. Sharing our problems and our challenges as men. Especially because we live in a time of real spiritual danger. Many of the Christian men who have helped set up Men's Ministry UK have suffered from the dangers of our fallen world. And only God is there to truly protect us. And only Jesus, his death and resurrection, can ensure we are forgiven. The world will not support us when our addictions become too much to handle and hurt those closest to us; when we bankrupt ourselves through greed and have nowhere to turn; or when a woman regrets sexual behaviour and blames you as a man. But God will always be there, especially when you do turn and acknowledge Him. A candle burns most brightly in the darkness. Matthew 5:14-16 tells us: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." God is the light of the world. And sometimes, it takes the darkness to see His light shine at its brightest. 

We hope that Men's Ministry UK will support you with whatever problems you have, as well as provide a place to talk about your problems, so that we can all shine a light back to Jesus.  

Why Men Matter?

More importantly, why you matter! Too often we read in the media, hear conversations at work, or even in church circles at times, comments about the marginalisation of men. There is a deep fear in male society that we are targeted. Whether it is that we are being accused of sexism at work, comments about our bank balance linked to gender equality and pay, or the incredible fear that a woman will lie about you or someone you love, over issues of consent. Too often we hear of men being afraid. Afraid to be themselves, afraid to say something at work or to their friends, afraid to speak up for fear of being judged harshly by a liberal minority with a microphone and a platform to voice untruths and cancel culture.  

Sadly, too many of us have seen a friend targeted at work for how much he is paid, called out for being sexist when he isn't, or even accused of inappropriate behaviour when none has taken place. We live in a fallen world and unfairness happens. Don't get us wrong, Men's Ministry UK is not here to promote misogynistic fallacies. Women have been oppressed for years and need our support. Jesus himself was a shining example of how women should be treated. But in a fallen world where the tide is turning, men are the ones who are being swept away as acceptable fodder to ensure equality for all - even if it means men are the victims this time.  So many men have come us to afraid and not knowing where to turn. Not just with their own sin and struggles, but through fear of how the world is mistreating them. 

But men, whether you are falsely accused, attacked, or simply find the pull of male sin too much, there is a solution. Jesus. Men's Ministry UK is full of articles, recommendations, and real-life stories to help you. Whether in a time of great need or just to keep fighting the good fight, Men's Ministry UK is here for you all. 

Why Mental Health and men?

Mental health is such an important thing to men. and it is something that plenty of men still shy away from, or even run away from. There is still a stigma in the world for men around mental health. Women want equality but they still want their men to be richer than them, open the doors for them, and look after them. Men are under constant pressure to still be manly. The pressure of finances, their bodies, their lifestyle. Men must have all their life together. 

Well men, we don't have our lives together. And the pressure on men, from the world and then themselves, is often too much. The movies, models, and billboards across the world will show you the aspirations that men still aspire to. This pressure is like a hot air balloon ready to pop, but as men, we are too proud to admit it, often until it is too late and we have exploded, a mental health mess as a result. 

When Men's Ministry UK was first set up, one of its founding members had gone through an awful time. So much so that he nearly lost his life to suicide. Pushed to the edge partly by his own sinful nature, and then exasperated by a false witness, he saw no way out. We tell you this not for shock value, but so that, as readers, you can see that we understand. That we have been there. This founding member didn't die. In fact, in God's wonderfulness, he shone brightly for Jesus. It was the shock of such a sinful world where people would lie about him, and then having to bring every sin to God, that actually freed him. Men's Ministry UK is here to help you. To free you in Christ Jesus. Do not hold on to your sin, give it to God. Like our founding member, share it with Christian men, it could save your life. 

As well as God's support, Men's Ministry UK knows the importance of professional help. For men, we must speak up! Men's Ministry UK has lots of articles and links to help support mental health as well as a place where you can talk in a Godly way about your sufferings. 

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Urgent Help

If you need someone to talk to, to pray with, or to signpost you to professional help, please email us at: 

Psalm 63 

"You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. [2] I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. [3] Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. [4] I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. [5] I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. [6] On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. [7] Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. [8] I cling to you; your right hand upholds me. [9] Those who want to kill me will be destroyed; they will go down to the depths of the earth. [10] They will be given over to the sword and become food for jackals. [11] But the king will rejoice in God; all who swear by God will glory in him, while the mouths of liars will be silenced."

Useful links and resources
